




刘希夷是一位擅长写从军闺情诗的诗人,他的诗歌辞藻婉丽,但意境却充满了悲苦之情,因此并没有受到太多人的重视。然而,后来孙昱编写了《正声集》,将刘希夷的诗歌作为集中的重点,这使得刘希夷的诗歌受到了广泛的赞赏和称赞。他的代表作品包括《从军行》、《采桑》、《春日行歌》、《春女行》、《捣衣篇》、《代悲白头翁》和《洛川怀古》等。其中,《代悲白头翁》一诗描写了花开花落,时光流转的无常;“今年花落颜色改,明年花开复谁在?”这句诗表达了岁月更迭中人事变迁的感慨,“年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同”以及“宛转娥眉能几时,须臾鹤发乱如丝”等句子也表达了对时光流逝和人事变迁的深深感慨。在《红楼梦》中,甄士隐对跛足道人的《好了歌》进行了解注,其中“陋室空堂,当年笏满床,衰草枯杨,曾为歌舞场”以及黛玉的《葬花词》“明媚鲜妍能几时,一朝飘泊难寻觅”、“试看春残花渐落,便是红颜老死时”的用词和意境显然是受到了这首诗的影响,可见刘希夷的诗歌具有很大的魅力。《正声集》共有十卷,而刘希夷的诗歌被编入其中的第八十二卷,共有一卷。 刘希夷成就详情»


Liu Xiyi a famous poet in the early Tang Dynasty is said to have been killed by Song Zhiwen. This theory originated from the Tang Dynasty's notes Dadang Xinyu and Liu Binkes Jiahualu. Dadang Xinyu states:

Liu Xiyi also known as Tingzhi was from Ruzhou. He was talented in literature and loved to write palace poems which were filled with sadness and bitterness but not highly regarded. He was skilled at playing the pipa. He once wrote a poem called 'White-haired Old Man's Song': 'This year the flowers wither and change color who will be here next year when the flowers bloom again?' Later he regretted it and said 'This poem seems like a prophecy isn't it the same as Shi Chong's 'white-haired returning to the same place'? He then wrote another line: 'Year after year the flowers look the same but the people change year after year.' He sighed and said 'This line also seems like a prophecy but life and death are predetermined not determined by this!' He kept both versions. Before he could finish the poem he was killed by a traitor. Some say it was Song Zhiwen who harmed him.

Liu Binkes Jiahualu states: Liu Xiyi said 'Year after year the flowers look the same but the people change year after year.' His uncle Song Zhiwen loved these two lines and begged him for them but Liu refused to give them. Song became angry and killed him by pressing him with a sack of soil. Song did not have a peaceful death it was heaven's retribution.

After Song's time many works followed this theory. Even some modern and contemporary works as well as literary histories and dictionaries have adopted this theory. Examples include Wen Yiduo's Redemption of Palace Poems Liu Dajie's History of Chinese Literature Cihai and Dictionary of Chinese Writers. In 1981 when Liu Xiyi's tomb was restored in Linru County (now Ruzhou City) Mr. Lin Guanfu still followed this theory when writing the epitaph.

However upon careful consideration it can be seen that this theory lacks solid evidence and strong supporting evidence. It seems implausible both in terms of time and logic making it difficult to establish.

In terms of time the birth and death dates of Liu and Song are not clearly recorded in history and can only be inferred from obscure materials. If we assume that Liu Xiyi became a jinshi (successful candidate in the imperial examination) at the age of 25 in the second year of Shangyuan (675 AD) and died before the age of 30 then he would have been born in the second year of Yonghui (651 AD as determined by Wen Yiduo's Tang Poetry Series) and died between the Yifeng and Diaolu reigns no later than the first year of Yonglong (680 AD). According to the preface of Song Zhiwen's Autumn Lotus Fu:

In the first year of Tian Shou the imperial scholar Yang Jiong and I were assigned to study at the Xizhi Academy in Luoyang. The Xizhi Academy refers to the Xizhi Academy of Arts and Sciences (according to the Annotations to Volume 208 of the Tongjian the original name was Neiwenxueguan which was changed to Xiyiguan by Empress Wu Zetian and then changed to Hanlin Nei Jiaofang). According to the New Book of Tang Biography of Song Zhiwen:

After his coming of age Empress Wu summoned him and Yang Jiong to study at the Xizhi Academy. 刘希夷生平考证详情»







夷园是一处具有历史意义的墓园,它见证了刘希夷这位伟大诗人的生平和成就。虽然经历了多次的修复和重建,但夷园依然保留着初唐时期的风貌,吸引着众多游客前来参观。这个古朴典雅的墓园,不仅是对刘希夷的纪念,也是对中国古代文化的珍贵遗产的保护和传承。 刘希夷墓址详情»