In the year of Bingchen (1076 AD) during the Mid-Autumn Festival I happily drank until dawn completely drunk and wrote this poem also missing my younger brother Su Zhe.
Since when did the bright moon appear? I hold up my wine cup and ask the sky. I don't know which year it is in the heavenly palace tonight. I want to rely on the wind to return to the sky and take a look but I worry that the jade-built buildings are too high and I cannot withstand the cold. I rise and dance enjoying the clear shadow under the moonlight. The moon palace cannot compare to being in the mortal world.
The moon moves passing by the vermilion-colored pavilion hanging low on the carved window shining on those who cannot sleep. The bright moon should not hold any grudges against people but why does it always become full when people are separated? People experience the changes of joy and sorrow parting and reunion just as the moon goes through its phases. This matter has always been difficult to comprehend. I hope people can stay together for a long time even if they are thousands of miles apart and appreciate this beautiful moon together.
Bingchen: Refers to the year 1076 AD (the ninth year of the Xining reign of Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty). In this year Su Shi served as the prefect of Mishi (present-day Zhucheng City Shandong Province).
Dadan: Until dawn.
Ziyu: The courtesy name of Su Shi's younger brother Su Zhe.
Hold up the wine: Lift up the wine cup. Hold means to grasp or hold.
Heavenly palace: Refers to the palace in the moon. Que refers to the stone platform behind the ancient city wall.
Return: Go back here it means returning to the moon palace.
Qiong Tower and Jade Buildings: Jade-built buildings referring to the imagined fairy palace.
Cannot bear: Cannot withstand.
Bear: Undertake endure.
Play with clear shadows: It means that the shadow under the moonlight also dances along. Play: Enjoy.
How can it compare: How can it be compared to.
Turn the vermilion pavilion lower the beautiful windows shine on the sleepless: The moon moves passing by the vermilion-colored pavilion hanging low on the carved window shining on the person (referring to the poet himself) who cannot sleep.
Vermilion pavilion: A splendid red pavilion. Qi windows: Ornately decorated doors and windows.
Should not have any resentment why does it become full only when people are separated: The moon should not hold any grudges against people so why does it become full only when people are separated?
Why: Why.
This matter: Refers to the joy and reunion of people and the clear and full of the moon.
But: Only.
这首词以明月为主题,表达了词人对胞弟苏辙的思念之情。词中描绘了中秋之夜,苏轼一边赏月一边饮酒,直到天亮,写出了皓月当空、亲人千里、孤高旷远的境界氛围。苏轼一生推崇儒学,但也受到佛道思想的影响,每当遇到挫折失意之际,他会借助老庄思想来解释困惑。词中也反映了苏轼在官场上的险恶体验和郁愤之情。词的上片望月部分展现了苏轼豪放洒脱的风格,通过提问明月的起源,表达了对天地间的追问和思考。整首词以明月为线索,展现了苏轼豪放浪漫的情感和思想。 《水调歌头·明月几时有》赏析详情»